
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

CARBAE(Καρβαί), a people of Arabia, named by Diodorus Siculus (3.46), after Agatharcides, as being contiguous to the Debae, Alilaei, and Gasandi. They are perhaps identical with the warlike Cerbani of Pliny (Plin. Nat. 6.28. s. 32), and are assigned by Forster to the great Harbtribe, which name he also finds in the classical forms. They extended, he thinks, eastward of the Tehama, the entire length of the Hedjaz, or at least between the latitudes of Yembo and Italy (the seat of the Alilaei), where Burckhardt found the mighty tribe of Harb.(Forster's Geog. of Arabia, vol. ii. pp. 134—136.)