
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

CARBINA(Κάρβινα), a city of the Messapians, mentioned by Clearchus ( ap. Athen. 12. p. 522), as having been destroyed by the Tarentines, on which occasion they inflicted such outrages on the inhabitants as subsequently brought down the divine vengeance upon all persons concerned in their perpetration. No subsequent notice of it is found; but the conjecture which identified it with Carovigno(a considerable modern town about 12 miles W. of Brindisi), derives some plausibility from the fact that inscriptions have been discovered there in the Messapian dialect, thus proving it to have been an ancient Messapian town. (Romanelli, vol. 2. p. 142; Mommsen, U. I. Dialecte, p. 63.)