
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

CARE´NE or CARINE(Καρήνη, Καρίνη: Eth. Καρηναῖος), a town of Mysia. The army of Xerxes, on the route from Sardis to the Hellespont, marched from the Caicus through the Atarneus to Carine; and from Carine through the plain of Thebe, passing by Adramyttium and Antandrus (7.42). In the text of Stephanus (s. v. Καρήνη) the name is written Carene, and he quotes Herodotus, and also Craterus (περὶ Ψηφισμάτωνfor the form Καρηναῖοι.In the text of Pliny (Plin. Nat. 5.32) the name is also written Carene; and he mentions it as a place that had gone to decay. Carene is also mentioned in a fragment of Ephorus (Steph. s. v. Βέννα) as having sent some settlers to Ephesus, after the Ephesians had sustained a defeat from the people of Priene. There seems no doubt that the true name of the place is Carene. There appear to be no means of fixing the site any nearer than Herodotus has done.

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