
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

CARVO a place on the road from Lugdunum Batavorum ( Leyden) to Vemania ( Immenstadt). The Antonine Itin. makes one station between Leydenand Trajectum ( Utrecht), and another between Utrechtand Carvo. The Itin. places Harenatio or Arenacum next after Carvo; but the Table makes Castra Herculis the next station, and the distance from Carvo to Castra Herculis is xiii., which is assumed to be M. P. D'Anville affirms that we cannot look for this place lower down than Wageningen, on the right bank of the Neder Rhyn. Walckenaer places it a little lower at Rhenen, which must be near the mark. Some other geographers have fixed Carvo where it cannot be.