Castoli Campus

Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

CASTO´LI CAMPUS(Καστωλοῦ πεδίον). Xenophon (Xen. Anab. 1.1.2), says that king Artaxerxes appointed his brother Cyrus the younger, commander of all the forces that muster at the plain of Castolus. Stephanus (s. v. Καστωλοῦ πεδίον) says that Castolus was a city of Lydia, and that the Ethnic name is Καστώλιος. He quotes Xenophon, and adds after Καστωλοῦ πεδίονthe words Δωριέων ὡς Ξενοφῶν : and also, it was so called because the Lydians call the Dorians Castoli;all which is unintelligible. It does not appear that Stephanus could get his information, except from Xenophon, who simply says of the place what has been stated above. If there were any meaning in the remark of Stephanus, the place would be the plain of the Dorians. It has been proposed to change Καστωλοῦinto Πακτωλοῦ, the name of a branch of the Hermus, but there is no authority for this alteration. The place is unknown.