
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

CASTRIMOE´NIUM a town of Latium, at the foot of the Alban hills about 12 miles from Rome, now called Marino.It does not appear to have been in ancient times a place of importance, but we learn from the Liber Coloniarum that it received a colony under Sulla, and that its territory was again assigned to military occupants by Nero. (Lib. Colon. p. 233.) Pliny also mentions the Castrimoienses among the Latin towns still existing in his time (3.5. s. 9.63); but it seems probable that the Munienses enumerated by him among the extinct populiof Latium (lb. § 69), are the same people, and that we should read Moenienses. If this be so, the name was probably changed when the colony of Sulla was established there, at which time we are told that the city was fortified (oppidum lege Sullana est munitum, Lib. Colon. l. c. ). The form Castrimonium is found both in Pliny and the Liber Colon.; but we learn the correct name to have been Castrimoenium from inscriptions, which also attest its municipal rank under the Roman Empire. (Gruter, Inscr. p. 397. 3; Orelli, Inscr. 1393). The discovery of these inscriptions near the modern city of Marino, renders it almost certain that this occupies the site of Castrimoenium: it stands on a nearly isolated knoll, connected with the Alban hills, about 3 miles from Albano, on the road to Frascati. (Nibby, Dintorni, vol. 2. p. 315; Gell, Top. of Rome, p. 310.)