
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

CATYEUCHLANI in Britain, mentioned by Ptolemy (Ptol. 2.3.21)—whose geography for these parts is obscure—as next to the Coritani, whose towns were Lindum and Rhage; Salinae and Urolanium being those of the Catyeuchlani themselves. Next come the Simeni, whose town is Venta; and then, more to the east, near the Imensa Aestuary, the Trinoantes, whose town is Camudolanum. Of all these texts and localities the only one wholly beyond doubt is Lindum== Lincoln. With this as a starting-point, Rhage== Leicester. Then the Simeni are considered to be the Iceni not otherwise mentioned by Ptolemy; and as Venta==Norwich, or the parts about it, we have a limit for the Catyeuchlani on the north and east. The Imensa Aestuary is generally considered to mean that of the Thames;the error being, perhaps, that of the MSS. Then come the Trinoantes (Trinobantes), generally placed in Middlesex, but whose capital is here the mysterious Camudolanum. [COLONIA] Rutland, Hunts, Beds, and Northampton best coincide with these conditions, but they are by no means the counties which best justify us in identifying the Catuellani [CATUELLANI], whose relations were with the Boduni (== Dobuni == Gloucestershire), with the Catyeuchlani.