
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

CENTURIONES, AD, a station in Gallia, mentioned in the Antonine Itin. It appears to be the Ad Centenarium of the Table. It lies on a road from Narbo ( Narbonne, through Ruscino ( Castelor Tour de Rousillon) and Illiberis ( Elne) to Summus Pyrenaeus ( Bellegarde). Ad Centuriones is between Illiberris and Summus Pyrenaeus, and 5 M. P. from Summus Pyrenaeus. Its position, therefore, is fixed within certain limits, and it is the chapel of St. Martin sous le Boulou, according to Walckenaer, a place on the Illiberris ( Tech), where there are said to be remains; and this is exactly the point, where we must leave the banks of this river to ascend the valley which leads to Bellegarde.