Cepi Milesiorum

Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

CEPI MILESIO´RUM(Κῆπος, Κῆποι, Strab. 11. p. 494; Anon. Peripl.;Pomp. Mela, 1.19.15; Diod. 20.24; Procop. Bell. Goth. 4.5; Cepi, Cepos, Peut. Tab.;Ceppos, Geog. Raven.), a town of the Cimmerian Bosporus founded by the Milesians (Scymn.; Plin. Nat. 6.6), and situated to N. of the Asiatic coast. Dr. Clarke ( Trav. vol. 2. p. 77) identifies Siennawith this place, and the remarkable Milesian sepulchres found there in such abundance confirm this position. Near to this spot stood a monument raised by Comosarya, a Queen of the Bosporus, who as it appears from the inscription which has been preserved, was wife of Parysades, and dedicated it to the Syro-Chaldaic deities Anerges and Astara. (Köler, Mém. sur le Monument de la Reine Comosarye. St. Petersburg, 1805.)