Ceramon Agora

Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

CE´RAMON AGORA(Κεραμῶν ἀγορά). The position of this place is doubtful. It is one of the places which Cyrus came to ( Anab. 1.2.10) in his march from Celaenae to Iconium. After leaving Celaenae, he came to Peltae, and then to Ceramon Agora, the nearest town of Phrygia to the borders of Mysia. If the Plain of Cayster can be determined [CAYSTRI CAMPUS], the position of Ceramon Agora may be approximated to. Hamilton ( Asia Minor, &c., 2.204) supposes that it may be NE. of Ushak, a place of considerable commerce and traffic in the present day: many of the high roads of Asia Minor pass through it.He also says, that to a person going to Mysia from Apamea (Celaenae), and supposing, as Strabo says, that Mysia extended to Ghiediz(Cadi), Ushakwould be the last town through which he would pass before entering Mysia, from which it is separated by a mountainous and uninhabited district.The position of Ushakseems a very probable one.
Pliny mentions Caranae in Phrygia (5.32), which Cramer conjectures to be the Ceramon Agora. He mentions it between Cotyaion and Conium, that is, Iconium; but nothing can be concluded from this passage. Nor is it the Caris or Carides of Stephanus (s. v. Καρία), a city of Phrygia,as it has been supposed; for that name corresponds to the Carina of Pliny (Plin. Nat. 5.32), or Caria, as it perhaps should be read.