
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

CERYNEIA(Κερυνεία, Scyl.; Κερυνία, Κερωνία, Κεραυνία, Ptol. 5.14.4; Diod. 14.59; Κορώνεια, Κορώνη, Steph.B.; Κυρηνία, Hierocl.; Κυρηνεια, Const. Porph.; Κινύρεια, Nonnus; Corineum, Plin.; Cerinea, Peut. Tab.: Eth. Κερυνίτης, Κερονίτης), a town and port on the N. coast of Cyprus 8 M.P. from Lapethus ( Peut. Tab. ). The harbour, bad and small as it is, must upon so iron a bound coast as that of the E. part of the N. side of Cyprus, have always insured to the position a certain degree of importance. Though little is known of it in antiquity it became famous in the middle ages. (Wilken, die Kreuzz, vol. 6. p. 542.) It is now called by the Italians Cerine, and by the Turks Ghirne. On the W. side of the town are some catacombs, the only remains of ancient Cerynia. (Leake, Asia Minor, p. 118; Mariti, Viaggi, vol. 1. p. 116; Engel, Kypros, vol. 1. p. 80.)