
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

CESERO or CESSERO, a town of Gallia Narbonensis, in the territory of the Volcae Tectosages (Ptol. 2.3). The Itin. and the Table fix its position on the great Roman road from Arelate ( Arles) to Narbo ( Narbonne). The distance from Cessero to Baeterrae ( Béziers) is 12 M. P., and the site of Cessero corresponds to St. Tiberion the river Hérault. D'Anville shows that the monastery of St. Tiberiis called Caesarion in a document of A.D. 867. As the place was on the river, this explains the fact of its being named in the Antonine Itin. Araura sive Cessero.