
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

CE´TIUS(Κήτιον), a branch of the Caicus, a river of Mysia. Pliny (Plin. Nat. 5.30) says Pergamum, which the Selinus flows through, Cetius flows by, descending from Mount Pindasus.Strabo (p. 616) mentions a mountain torrent Cetion, which rises in the Eleatis, and falls into another like torrent, then into another, and finally into the Caicus. Some maps make this river flow from the north, and join the Caicus on the right bank; but Strabo's river must fall into the Caicus on the left bank. It may have given name to the Ceteii (Κητεῖοι), though Strabo professes not to know who the Ceteii were, nor to understand the verse of the Odyssey (11.521) where they are mentioned.