
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

CHA´LIA(Χαλία), a town of Boeotia, mentioned by Theopompus, and in an ancient inscription: from the latter we learn that it was an independent state, perhaps one of the cities of the Boeotian league. (Theopomp. ap. Steph. B. s. v. Χαλία;Marmor. Oxon. 29, 1. p. 67.) Theopompus stated that the Ethnic name was Χάλιοι, but in the inscription it is written ΧΑΔΕΙΔΕΙΣNothing more is known of the place. Leake supposes that it was situated in the Parasopia at Chalia. (Leake, Northern Greece, vol. 2. p. 473, seq.)