
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

CHAULOTAEI(Χαυλοταῖοι, Eratosth. ap. Strab. 16. p. 767), an Arab tribe at the NW. of the Persian Gulf, mentioned by Eratosthenes. Dr. Wells, following Bochart and other authorities, has observed of this quarter: In these parts by Eratosthenes are placed the Chaulothaei; by Festus Avienus the Chaulosii; by Dionysius Periegetes, the Chablasii; and by Pliny, the (Chauclei or) Chavelaei; all retaining, in their name, most of the radical letters of the word Chavilah(cited by Forster, Arabia, vol. 1. p. 41). This identification of the names of the classical geographers with the Scripture Havilah is proved and illustrated by Mr. Forster with much research (l. seq.).