
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

CHEMMIS(Χέμμις), the chief town of the Chemmite Nome in the Thebaid, and one of the most ancient cities in Egypt, stood upon the eastern bank of the Nile, opposite to a river-island of similar name. Chemmis subsequently became Panopolis, under which title it is more particularly described. [PANOPOLIS] From the Chemmite nome, and city of the Thebaid, must be distinguished the Chemmite or Chembite nome, and floating island Chemmis or Chembis, near the city of Buto in the Delta. [BUTO.] The ethnic word Chamor Ham, and also the Coptic appellation of the Nile Valley— El Chemior the Black Earth,—are apparently contained in the name of Chemmis; and the city was ancient enough to have been nearly contemporary with the aborigines of the Thebaid.