
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography


1. Ptol. 6.5.1; Χωρηνή, Strab. 11. p. 514; Isid. Charac.; Choara, Plin. Nat. 6.15. s. 17), a district of Parthia immediately adjoining the Caspian Gates. It was a plain country, and had a town in it called Apameia Rhagiana [APAMEIAN o. 6], and two smaller towns, Calliope and Issatis. (Plin. l. c.)

2. A district of Ariana, mentioned only by Strabo (15. p. 725), who describes it as nearest to India of all the countries which the Parthians had subdued. It is clearly a different district from the one in Media, and ought most probably to be sought for south of the Paropamisus, as it is stated that Craterus passed through it in his march through Arachosia into Carmania.; It seems not unlikely that the name is connected with the Indian. Ghauror Ghor, though it is true that it is not generally safe to trust a mere affinity of names. [V]