
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

CHORAZIN(Χορασίν), mentioned only in St. Matthew (11.26), and the parallel passage in St. Luke (10.13), in our Lord's denunciation. This site had strangely baffled the inquiries of travellers (Lord Lindsay's Travels, vol. 2. p. 91; Robinson, B. R. vol. 3. p. 295), until it was recovered and identified by the writer and a friend in 1842. In the hills on the north of the Sea of Tiberias, about two miles north-west of Capernaum ( Tell-Hum) is a ruined site still called by the Bedouins who pasture it Gerazi:in a small plain to the east of the ruins is a fountain called by the same name. It is utterly desolate; a fragment of a shaft of a marble column alone standing in the midst of universal ruin.