
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

CHYTRUS, CHYTRI(Χύτρος, Ptol. 5.14.6; Χύτροι, Steph. B., Suid.; Χύθροι, Hierocl.; Χυθέρεια, Const. Porph. De Them. 1.39; Chytri, Plin.; Citari, Peut. Tab.: Eth. Χύτριος: Chytria), a town of Cyprus which lay on the road between Ceryneia and Salamis, at a distance of 23 M. P. from the former, and 24 M. P. from the latter. ( Peut. Tab. ) It was once governed by sovereign princes, and was probably an Athenian colony. (Mariti, Viaggi, vol. 1. p. 138; Engel, Kypros, vol. 1. p. 148.)