
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

CI´BALAE(Κιβάλαι), a town in Lower Pannonia. In the Itin. Hieros. p. 563, and the Geogr. Rav. 4.19, its name appears in the ablat. Cibalis, whence some writers, mistaking this for the nominative, give its name in the form Cibalis (Κιβαλίς; Dio Cass.; Ptol. 2.16.7; Zosim. 2.18). The town was one of considerable importance, and situated on an eminence near lake Hiulcas, at an equal distance between the rivers Dravus and Savus, on the high road leading from Mursa to Sirmium. It was the birthplace of the emperor Valentinian (Ammian. 30.7, 24), and in its vicinity Constantine, in A.D. 314, gained a decisive victory over Licinianus. (Eutrop. 10.5; Zosim. l. c.) According to Zosimus, the place had an amphitheatre surrounded by a shady wood. Its exact site has not yet been discovered, but it is generally believed to have been situated near the modern town of Mikanofzior near Vinkoucze. (Comp. Aur. Vict. Epit. 41, 45; Sozom. Hist. Eccles. 1.6; Itin. Ant. pp. 131, 261,267, 268.)