
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

COBULATUS or, as Polybius (Plb. 22.18) writes it, COLOBATUS (Κολόβατος), a river which the Roman general Cn. Manlius crossed on his march from the Caulares [CAULARES] to Isionda (Liv 38.15). After crossing the Caulares he passed the Caralitis Palus [CARALITIS], and came to Mandropolis; from thence, to Lagon, near the source of the Lysis, and the next day to the Cobulatus. In the map that accompanies Spratt's Lycia, the Lysis and the Cobulatus are marked as the two upper branches of the Catarrhactes ( Duden-Su); but this requires further examination. Arundell (Asia Minor, vol. 2. p. 154) supposes the Cobulatus to be the Catarrhactes.