COCOSA or COEQUOSA, as it is written in the Antonine Itin., is the first place on a road from Aquae Tarbellicae ( Dax) to Burdigala ( Bordeaux). It is placed 24 M. P. from Dax, and is supposed to be a place called Caussèque. If this is rightly determined, we ascertain the position of the Cocosates, one of the Aquitanian tribes whom P. Crassus compelled to submit to him in the third year of the Gallic war, B.C. 56 (Caes. B. G. 3.27). Pliny (Plin. Nat. 5.19) calls the people Cocossates Sexsignani,which seems to mean that it was a garrison town. He calls the Tarbelli Quatuorsignani.The position of the Cocosates is in the southern part of the department of Les Landes;and the inhabitants of the Landes are still divided into two classes; the Bouges, or those of the north or of the Tête-de-Buch;and the Cousiots, those of the south.(Walckenaer, Géog.. &c. vol. 1. p. 303) [BOII].