
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

CONDERATES are only known from a Roman inscription, which records that the boatmen (nautae) of the Saôneand the Loire, and also the boatmen of the Arconéeand the Conderates, dedicated a funeral monument to the memory of their patron Tauricius Florens. The inscription is as follows: D. M.Tauricio. Florenti Taurici. Tauriciani filio Veneto. allectori. Galliae patrono nautarum Araricorum et Legyricor. Item Areccarorum et Conderatium. Provinciae Galliae. Their position is represented by Condrieuon the west side of the Rhone, about ten miles below Vienne. Condrieuis still a small port on the Rhone, partly inhabited by people well skilled in the navigation of the river, and by carpenters who build boats. Allectoris explained by Muratori to be tributorum susceptor,a tax-collector. Forcellini has an article on the word.
The name Conderates implies a place Conderate, or something like it; and this is another example of the element Condin Gallic names. [CONDATE] (Walckenaer, Géog., &c., vol. 1. p. 337.)