
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

CONDIVICNUM or (Κονδιουίγκον) CONDIVINCUM, according to Ptolemy (Ptol. 2.8), was the name of the capital of the Nannetes or Namnetes, a Celtic people on the lower Loire, and on the north side. The name appears to be compounded of the Celtic word Condand another name. The town of Nantesrepresents Condivicnum. The old town of Nanteswas nearly comprised in the angle formed by the junction of the Erdrewith the Loire. Condivicnum was known to the Romans at an early period. Among several Roman inscriptions found there, one, if it is rightly copied, contains the name of the emperor Tib. Claudius Caesar; and another contains the name of Nero Claudius Caesar Augustus Germanicus. Caesar ( B. G. 3.9) built ships on the Loire for his war with the Veneti; and if there was a town on the site of Nantesin his time, his ships passed it in their way down the Loire. There was a Roman road from Limonum ( Poitiers) to Nantes, which in the Table is named Portu Namnetu. There was also a road along the north bank of the Loire from Juliomagus ( Angers) to Nantes. A Roman road ran from NantesNW. through Dariorigum ( Vannes) to Gesocribate ( Brest). All these routes determine the position of the Portus Namnetum, and show that it was of importance. Parts of the Roman road between Nantesand Vannesare said to be well preserved.