
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

CO´NII or CUNEI(Κούνεοι, Appian, Hisp. 57; Κόνιοι, Plb. 10.7.5), a people in the S. of Lusitania, W. of the Pillars of Hercules and of Baetica, with a capital city called Conistorgis or Conistorsis. (Strab. 3. p. 141.) They may perhaps be identified with the Κυνήσιοι, whom Herodotus makes the westernmost people of the whole earth (2.33, 4.49). They dwelt in that part of Lusitania which the Romans called CUNEUS a name appropriate to the shape of the land, and thus furnishing one of the many examples in which the etymological significance of a name coincides accidentally with its historical usage.