
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

CONOPEIUM(Κονωπεῖονor Κονώπιον). East of the mouth of the Halys, Arrian (p. 16) mentions a marsh and port Naustathmus, 90 stadia from the Halys, or 120 according to Marcian. Fifty stadia further along the coast Arrian places Conopeium, a marsh. The site seems to be Koumjaas, on the coast SE. of the mouth of the Halys or Kizil Irmak. Hamilton ( Researches, vol. 1. p. 293) makes Conopeium 16 miles from Amisus ( Samsun), which is to the south, and about 5 miles from Naustathmus, which is to the north.