
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

CO´NVENAE(Κονουέναι), a people on the north side of the Pyrenees, in Aquitania according to Pliny (Plin. Nat. 4.19), who says, in oppidum contributi Convenae.Strabo (pp. 190, 191) says, close to the Pyrenees is the country of the Convenae, that is, of those who were a mixed people; where there is a town Lugdunum, and the warm springs of the Onesii.[AQUAE CONVENARUM] He adds that they received the Jus Latii. It appears from the name Convenae,the expression of Pliny contributi,and Strabo's explanation of the term, that it contains the elementary parts of the Latin verb convenire.Hieronymus ( Adv. Vigilantium) has a story that Cn. Pompeius, after terminating the war with Sertorius, settled a number of Spanish robbers and such like people here. In this neighbourhood was Calagorris, an Iberian name; but this place may be of older date than the settlement of the Convenae. The town Lugdunum, afterwards Convenae, is St. Bertrand de Cominge in the district of Cominge. De Valois observes that the fugitivi ab saltu Pyrenaeo praedonesque(Caes. B.C. 3.19) mean the Convenae, which seems very doubtful.
The name Convenae appears in Ptolemy (Ptol. 2.7) in a corrupt form Κομουένοι;in the old Latin version, Cumueni.

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