
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

COPRATES(Κοπράτης, Strab. 15. p. 729; Diod. 19.18), a river of Susiana, which rises in the NE. mountains of Laristannear Buru-jird, and according to Diodorus flows into the Tigris. It is clear, however, from his context, that for Tigris we must read Pasitigris. Antigonus was marching to meet Eumenes, whose camp was pitched on the banks of the Pasitigris (now Karun), and he was as would seem at least one day's march beyond Susa. Diodorus (Diod. 17.67) calls the Pasitigris Tigris, when describing the march of Alexander from Susa, ἐπὶ τὸν Τίγριν;and Curtius (Curt. 5.3) translates this passage ad flumen, Pasitigrim incolae vocant.The Coprates is now called the river of Dizful.