
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

COROCONDAME(Κοροκονδάμη, Strab. xi. pp. 494, 496; Ptol. 5.9, § § 6, 8; Mela, 1.19; Steph. B. s. v.), a small place close to the Bosporus Cimmerius in the country of the Bosporani, and adjoining one of the mouths of the river Anticites (now Kuban). It gave its name to a lake of some size, called Corocondamitis (Strab. l. c.), which appears to have been formed by one of the branches of the same river. There is some indistinctness in the ancient accounts of this district; and, according to some, as Mela (1.19), and Dionysius Perieg. (550), Corocondame would seem to be the name of a peninsula or island, formed by the Bosporus, the Maeotis, and the river.