
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

CORYDALLA(Κορύδαλλα: Eth. Κορυδαλλεύς), a city of the Rhodii, according to Hecataeus, quoted by Stephanus (s. v.). But it was not in Rhodes, nor was it one of the Rhodian possessions in the Peraea [CARIA]. (Plin. Nat. 5.25; Ptol. 5.3.) The Table marks Corydalla ( Coridallo) on the road from Phaselis, selis, in Lycia, to Patara, and makes the distance between these two places 29 M. P. Pliny (Plin. Nat. 5.25) places Corydalla in the interior of Lycia, and Ptolemy mentions it with Sagalassus, Rhodia, Phellus, Myra, and other places, as about Mons Massicytus. There are coins of Corydalla of the imperial period, with the epigraph Κορυδαλλεων.It is not difficult to see where this place should be looked for. The present site is a village called Hadgivella, on the east side of a small stream, about 16 miles, direct distance, south-west of Phaselis. (Spratt and Forbes, Lycia, vol. 1. p. 164.) There was discovered, in an old wall, a squared block, with its inscribed face turned towards the stones, on which, in beautifully preserved letters, was the name of the city—Corydalla.There are at Corydalla the remains of a small theatre, of a Roman aqueduct, and a massive Hellenic wall. The inscription copied from Corydalla (vol. 2. p. 277) is of the time of M. Aurelius Antoninus; and it shows that Corydalla had the usual Greek constitution, a senate and a popular body. Pliny mentions Gagae, Corydalla, and Rhodiopolis, in this order; and Rhodiopolis was found by Spratt and Forbes near Corydalla.