
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

CORYPHANTIS(Κορυφαντίς: Eth. Coryphantenus), one of the settlements of the Mytilenaeans, on the coast of Aeolis, opposite to Lesbos, and north of Atarneus. Pliny (Plin. Nat. 5.30) names it Coryphas. It is evidently the same place which appears in the Table under the name Corifanio, between Adramyttium and Elatia,—whatever Elatia may mean. Strabo (p. 607) mentions Coryphantis and Heraclea, and after them, Attea.[ATTEA] The net place in the Table to Elatia is Attalia. The oysters of Coryphas are mentioned by Pliny (Plin. Nat. 32.6).