
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

COSCI´NIA(τὰ Κοσκίνια) or CO´SCINUS (Plin. Nat. 5.29), a place in Caria. Strabo (p. 650) speaks of Coscinia and Orthosia as considerable places (κατοικίαι), by which he means, perhaps, something less than towns. In another passage (p. 587) he says that the river which flows from Coscinia to Alabanda has many fords, by which he seems to mean that a traveller must cross it many times. We may probably infer that Coscinia was higher up the stream than Alabanda. Leake says (Asia Minor, p. 234), if Alabanda was at Arabissar, Tshina, where Pococke found considerable remains, may be the site of Coscinia, and its modern name may possibly be a corruption of the ancient.