
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

COTIAEUM(Κοτιάειον: Eth. Κοτιαεύς: Kutahiyah). The name is written Cotyaeum (Κοτυάειον) in the text of Strabo (p. 576), but the epigraph on the coins is said to be always Κοτιαεων.It was on the Roman road from Dorylaeum ( Eski-Shehr) to Philadelphia ( Allah-Shehr), and in Phrygia Epictetus, according to Strabo. It is mentioned by Pliny (Plin. Nat. 5.32). Kutahiyahis a considerable town, on a river which some geographers take to be the Thymbrius. Cotiaeum was the birthplace of Alexander, the son of Asclepiades, a very learned grammarian. There are no remains of importance at Kutahiyah. In the Table the name is miswritten Cocleo.