
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

COTYO´RA(τὰ Κοτύωρα: Eth. Κοτυωρίτης, Steph. B. s. v.) and COTYORUM (Plin. Nat. 6.4), in Pontus. According to Xenophon (Xen. Anab. 5.5.4), a colony of Sinope, which furnished supplies for the Ten Thousand in their retreat. It was in the country of the Tibareni. The place was on the coast, and on a bay called after the town. Strabo (p. 548), where the name is written in a corrupt form, speaks of it as a small place; and Arrian as a village,—which was owing to the neighbouring town of Pharnacia being supplied with part of its population from it. The Maritime Itins. on this coast make the distance from Cotyora to the river Melanthius 60 stadia. Hamilton ( Researches, &c. vol. 1. p. 267) says: Cotyora perhaps stood on the site of Ordou, where some remains of an ancient port cut out of the solid rock are still visible.But he remarks that some writers suppose that Cotyora was on the modern bay of Pershembah, which is certainly more sheltered than Ordou, and its distance from the river Melanthius agrees better with the 60 stadia of Arrian and the anonymous Periplus, than the site of Ordou.