
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

CRAUGA´LLIUM(Κραυγάλλιον), a town of Phocis, in the neighbourhood of Cirrha, whose inhabitants are said to have joined the Cirrhaeans in maltreating the pilgrims who came to consult the oracle at Delphi. It was destroyed along with Cirrha at the end of the First Sacred War, and its name does not occur again. [CRISSA] The name of the people is variously written Craugallidae, Crauallidae, and Acragallidae. Leake conjectures that Xeropígadhois the site of this town. (Aeschin. c. Ctesiph. p. 68, ed. Steph.; Harpocrat. s. v. Κραυαλλίδαι;Leake, Northern Greece, vol. 2. p. 587.)