
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

CRESSA(Κρῆσσα: Eth. Κρησσαῖος).

1. According to Stephanus (s. v.) a city of Paphlagonia, founded by Meriones after the war of Troy. Zeilas, the son of Nicomedes, took it. Cramer (Asia Minor, vol. 1. p. 241), says, that it was probably on the sea coast, and perhaps should be identified with Carussa.But there is no foundation for this guess. [CARUSA]

2. There is a Cressa on the coast of Caria, which Pliny (Plin. Nat. 5.27) calls Cressa Portus, and places 20 M.P. from Rhodus. It is also mentioned by Ptolemy (Ptol. 5.2). Leake (Asia Minor, p. 222) says that the excellent harbour of Cressa is now called Aplothíkaby the Greeks, and Porto Cavaliereby the Italians; and on its western shore are the ruins of an Hellenic fortress and town, which are undoubtedly those of Loryma.[G.L]

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