
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

CRUSIS(Κρουσίς, Thuc. 2.79; Steph. B.; Κροσσαίη, Hdt. 7.123: Eth. Κρουσαῖος, Dionys. 1.49). The Crossaea, Crusaea, or Crusis, was sometimes considered as a part of Mygdonia, but is distinguished from. it by Herodotus (l. c.), who describes it as comprehending all the maritime country on the Thermaic gulf from Potidaea to the bay of Therma, where Mygdonia commenced. The cities of this district were Lipaxus, Combreia, Lisae, Gigonus, Campsa, Smila, and Aeneia. Livy (Liv. 44.10) mentions an Antigoneia [ANTIGONEIA], which was perhaps one of the towns on that coast noticed by Herodotus, which had been repaired by one of the Antigoni. Thucydides (Thuc. 2.79) speaks of the peltasts of this district: this kind of troops, between heavy and lightarmed, furnished with a short spear and light shield, appear to have taken their rise among the Chalcidic Greeks, and were equipped in a manner half Greek half Thracian. (Grote, Hist. of Greece, vol. 6. p. 258.)