
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

DIONYSO´POLIS(Διονύσου πόλις: Eth. Διονυσοπολείτης), a city of Phrygia. The Ethnic name occurs on medals, and in a letter of M. Cicero to his brother Quintus ( ad Q. Fr. 1.2), in which he speaks of the people of Dionysopolis being very hostile to Quintus, which must have been for something that Quintus did during his praetorship of Asia. Pliny (Plin. Nat. 5.29) places the Dionysopolitae in the conventus of Apamea, which is all that we know of their position. We may infer from the coin that the place was on the Maeander, or near it. Stephanus (s. v.) says that it was founded by Attalus and Eumenes. Stephanus mentions another Dionysopolis in Pontus, originally called Cruni, and he quotes two verses of Scymnus about it. COIN OF DIONYSOPOLIS IN PHRYGIA.