
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

DIPAEA(Δίπαια: Eth. Διπαιεύς), a town of Arcadia in the district Maenalia, through whose territory the river Helisson flowed. Its inhabitants removed to Megalopolis on the foundation of the latter city. It is frequently mentioned on account of a battle fought in its neighbourhood between the Lacedaemonians and all the Arcadians except the Mantineians, sometime between B.C. 479 and 464. (Paus. 3.11.7, 8.8.6, 27.3, 30. §. 1, 45.2; Hdt. 9.35.) Leake supposes that the ruins near Daviarepresent Dipaea; but since Pausanias does not mention Dipaea in his description of Maenalia, although he notices every insignificant place, Ross remarks that it is improbable that Pausanias should have passed over Dipaea, if these ruins really belong to the latter, since they are still very considerable. Ross regards them as the remains of Maenalus. (Leake, Morea, vol. 2. p. 52; Ross, Reisen im Peloponnes, vol. 1. p. 118.)