
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

DOCI´MIA or DOCIMEIUM(Δοκίμια, Δοκίμειον: Eth. ΔοκιμεύςStephanus (s. v. observes that Docimeus is the correct Ethnic form, but Docimenus (Δοκιμηνός) was the form in use. It was a city of Phrygia, where there were marble quarries. (Comp. Steph. B. s. v. Σύνναδα.Strabo (p. 577) places Docimia somewhere about Synnada: he calls it a village, and says that there is there a quarry of Synnadic stone, as the Romans call it, but the people of the country call it Docimites and Docimaea; the quarry at first yielded only small pieces of the stone, but owing to the present expenditure of the Romans large columns of one piece are taken out, which in variety come near the Alabastrites, so that, though the transport to the sea of such weights is troublesome, still both columns and slabs are brought to Rome of wondrous size and beauty.(Comp. Strabo, p. 437.) The word Docimaea (Δοκιμαίαν) in this passage of Strabo appears to be corrupt. It should be either Δοκιμαῖονor Δοκιμέα.
Leake (Asia Minor, p. 54) supposes that the extensive quarries on the road from Khoorukanto Bulwudúnare those of Docimia. He interprets Strabo as saying that Synnada was only 60 stadia from Docimia; but Strabo says that the plain of Synnada is about 60 stadia long, and beyond it is Docimia. We may, however, infer that he supposed Docimia to be not far from the limit of the plain. The Table makes it 32 M. P. between Synnada and Docimia, and Docimia is on the road from Synnada to Dorylaeum; but the number is certainly erroneous. The position of Synnada is not certain, and if it were, it. would not absolutely determine the position of Docimia; but Docimia was probably at the spot where Leake fixes it, NE. of Afiom Kara Hissar. East of Afiom Kara Hissar, at a place called Surmeneh, Hamilton ( Researches, &c. vol. ii. App. No. 375) copied part of an inscription, the remainder of which was buried under ground. The part which he copied contains the name Δοκιμεων.At Eski Kara Hissar, which may be the ancient Beudos [BEUDUS], Hamilton saw numerous blocks of marble and columns, some in the rough, and others beautifully worked.He also says: In an open space near the mosque was a most exquisitely finished marble bath, intended perhaps to have adorned a Roman villa; and in the walls of the mosque and cemetery were some richly carved friezes and cornices, finished in the most elaborate style of the Ionic and Corinthian orders I had ever beheld.(Vol. 1. p. 461.) He observes that they could not have been designed for any building near the spot, but were probably worked near the quarries for the purpose of easier transport, as it is done at Carrara in Italy. Though we do not know the exact site of Docimia, it seems certain that the site is ascertained pretty nearly.
There are coins with the epigraphs Δημοςor Ιερα Συνκλητος Δοκιμεων Μακεδονεν, whence it appears that it had received a Macedonian colony, if the coins are genuine. COIN OF DOCIMIA.