
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

DODECASCHOENUS(Δωδεκάσχοινος), district between Egypt and Aethiopia, which derived its name from its comprising xii σχοῖνοιor 120 stadia == 18 geographical miles of land. (Ptol. 4.5.74; Hdt. 2.29.) The northern frontier of this region was at Philae, and the southern at Pscelcis ( Dakkeh), the furthest point at which any monumental vestiges of Macedonian, or Roman dominion have been found. Under the later emperors, indeed, the province of Dodecaschoenus extended to Hiera-Sycaminos, in lat. 22° N. In the Roman era Dodecaschoenus was attached to the prefecture of Upper Egypt. The principal cities of Dodecaschoenus have been enumerated under AEGYPTUS