
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

DORISCUS(Δορίσκος), a coast town of Thrace, in a plain west of the river Hebrus, which is hence called the plain of Doriscus (Δοπίσκος πεδίον). During the expedition of Darius the place was taken and fortified by the Persians; and in this plain Xerxes reviewed his forces before commencing his march against Greece. In the time of Livy it appears to have been only a fort—castellum (Hdt. 5.98; 7.25, 59, 105; Steph. B. s. v.;Liv. 31.16; Plin. Nat. 4.18; Pomp. Mel. 2.2). The neighbourhood of Doriscus is now called the plain of Romigik. L. S.]