
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

DOTHAN(Δοθαείμ, a town of Palestine, mentioned in the history of Joseph ( Gen. 37.17) and of Elisha (2 Kings, 6.13). From the former notice it appears to have been on the high road between Gilead and Egypt. It is mentioned in the book of Judith in connection with Bethulia, over against Esdraelon, toward the open country (4.6); and it is clear, from 7.4, that it must have been in the mountains bordering the plain of Esdraelon on the south. Consistently with this, Eusebius places it 12 miles to the north of Samaria (Sebaste) ( Onomast. s. v. ), where a village of the name Dotânstill exists, a little to the east of the Nablûsroad, south-west of Jenin. (Schultz, in Williams, Holy City, vol. 2. p. 469.)