
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

DRAVUS, DRAVIS(Δράβος, Δάρος: Drau), one of the chief tributaries of the Danube. Its sources are in the Norican Alps, on the Rhaetian frontier near the town of Aguntum ( Inichen). It then flows through Noricum and Pannonia, and after receiving the waters of its northern tributary, the Murius, it empties itself into the Danube below Carpis. It is possible therefore that the river Carpis mentioned by Herodotus (Hdt. 4.49) as a tributary of the Danube, is no other than the Dravus. Strabo (7. p. 314) represents the Dravus as flowing into the Noarus, a river altogether unknown, and then as emptying itself with this Noarus into the Ister. (Comp. Plin. Nat. 3.28; Flor. 4.12; Jornand. De Regn. Succ. 39; Paul. Diac. 2.13; Ptol. 2.16.2.) The current is very rapid, whence Pliny calls it violentior.