
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography


1. Tacitus (Tac. Ann. 3.45), in his account of the revolt of Sacrovir, says that the Roman commander Silius marched upon Augustodunum after ravaging the lands of the Sequani, and he met Sacrovir ad Duodecimum lapidem,which seems to mean 12 M. P. from Autun, in an open country. Perhaps Tacitus does not mean to speak of Ad Duodecimum as a place. D'Anville concludes that the march of Silius was from Cabillonum ( Challon) on the Saône, which is likely enough. Cabillonum was on a road from Lugdunum to Augustodunum, and the Antonine Itin. places Cabillonum 33 M. P. from Augustodunum. The site of Sacrovir's defeat cannot be very far from the spot where the Roman proconsul C. Julius Caesar defeated the Helvetii, B.C. 58. 2. DUODECIMITM, AD. [DECEM PAGI.]

3. The Table places a Duodecimum 18 from Noviomagus ( Nymegen), on the road to Leyden. D'Anville supposes that the 18 is an error, and should be 12, and that the 12 are 12 M. P. Some take the 18 to be M. P., and so the distance would be 12 Gallic leagues. D'Anville merely led by a name, and probably deceived by it, fixes on Doodenwerd, on the right bank of the Waal, as the place. [G.L]