
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

DUROCASSES(Dreux). This name appears in the Antonine Itin. in the form Durocasis, and in the Table in the form Durocasio, on a road from Mediolanum Aulercorum, the capital of the Aulerci Eburovices, in Gallia, to Durocasses. Mediolanum is Evreux. The Itin. makes 17 Gallic leagues between Mediolanum and Durocasses, or 25 1/2 M. P. Dreuxis in the department of Eure et Loir, on the Blaise, a branch of the Eure.The place may have been within the territory of the Carnutes. If we compare the form of the word with Baiocasses, Viducasses, Velocasses, it seems probable that Durocasses is properly the name of a tribe. The name Durocasses was shortened to Drocae, and then to Dreux.