
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

DYSO´RUM(Δύσωρον), a mountain, the situation of which depends upon that of the lake Prasias and the extent that should be assigned to the Macedonia of Herodotus (Hdt. 5.17), in his description of the embassy sent by Megabazus to Amyntas I., king of Macedonia. By Macedonia, Herodotus probably meant the kingdom of his own time, or at least that of Amyntas. who had already made great advances to the Strymon. Prasias will then be the same as the lake Cercinitis, and Dysorum that part of the mountain range towards Sokhówhich separates the Strymonic plain from those that extend to Thessalonica and the Axius. (Leake, Northern Greece, vol. 3. p. 210, 4. p. 581.)