
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

EBURI(Eboli), a town of the Lucanians, mentioned only by Pliny (Plin. Nat. 3.11. s. 15), who expressly ascribes it to that people; though, from its situation N. of the Silarus, it would seem to have naturally belonged to Campania, or the Picentini. The ruins of the ancient town are visible on a hill called the Monte d'Oro, between the modern city of Eboliand the right bank of the Silarus, over which are the ruins of a fine Roman bridge. An inscription found there, with the words Patr. Mun. Ebur.,i. e. Patrono Municipii Eburini, both proves the ruins in question to be those of Eburi, and attests its municipal rank. (Romanelli, vol. 3. p. 614; Mommsen, I. R. N. 189.)