
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

ECDIPPA(Ἐκδίππα), a maritime town of Palestine, identical with the Scripture ACHZIB( Josh. 19.29, ἘχζόβLXX.), in the borders of Asher. Its ruins were first identified by Maundrell (A.D. 1697) near the sea-shore, about 3 hours north of Acre, which he thus describes: We passed by an old town called Zib, situated on an ascent close by the seaside. This may probably be the old Achzib mentioned in Joshua, 19.29 and Judges, 1.31., called afterwards Ecdippa: for St. Jerome places Achzib nine miles distant from Ptolemais towards Tyre, to which account we found the situation of Zibexactly agreeing. This is one of the places out of which the Ashurites could not expel the Canaanitish natives.( Journey, p. 53). The Itinerarium Hiercsolymitanum places it 12 miles to the north of Ptolemais (Acre), and as many south of Alexandroschene, the modern Iskanderûna.