
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

ECHIDO´RUS(Ἐχείδωρος, Scyl. p. 26; Ἐχέδωρος, Ptol. 3.13.4), a small river of Macedonia, which rises in the Crestonaean territory, and after flowing through Mygdonia empties itself into a lagoon close to the Axius (Hdt. 7.124, 127). It is now called the Gallikó:Gallicum was the name of a place situated 16 M. P. from Thessalonica, on the Roman road to Stobi ( Peut. Tab. ). It is probable that when the ancient name of the river fell into disuse, it was replaced by that of a town which stood upon its banks, and that the road to Stobi followed the valley of the Echidorus. (Leake, Northern Greece, vol. iii. pp. 437,439.)